Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard *** (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistDefine decent difficulty?
Can't sleepwalk through it, but not hard enough that it makes you want to
throw your controller at the TV in frustration. Of course, that'd
probably mean something different to everybody.
I would agree with that last part, each person has their own preference;
I honestly think they are catering to the lowest common denominator, then
throwing the super hard bosses in for people like you. Keep in mind, it's
just a game, it doesn't *have* to make sense. I try not to make sense of
things when they obviously are not ment to, but I'm a rather serene
individual all around. :)
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistI can't even do that gunners challenge in FFX-2.
No idea what that is, as I'm boycotting the game. :p
I can honestly say that you are missing out then. It's good enough that I
started playing it over the weekend to get a feel for it, and when I got
the game book last night, I started all over again with the intention of
getting everything. The battle system is challenging, and the mini-games
are hard without being totaly imposible. Everything moves along at a good
clip, but you can take it slow if you want. There is actually a good bit
of strategic thought that goes into how you use dresspheres and when.
Different garment grids have 'bonuses' if you travel around them in
certain ways.
Moreover, they didn't butcher Yuna's personality. She is still soft
spoken and iron willed. I've seen a subtle shift in her attitudes so far,
but it's in line with the story and the things she is experiencing. :)
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistMy coordination is non-existent. Any game that requires any
degree of coordination out of me just, blegh.
I'm not advocating things that require coordination, just strategic thought.
Blegh, have you played any of the games since FF7? They keep on adding
'required' minigames that are next to impossible to beat. FFX, chocobo
racing in the calm lands
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistThat's one thing, but when you have to swap out equipment every other
freaking turn, that's another.
FFX had battles like that (well, every other battle anyways) and some of
the others I have played have had stupid crap like that going on.
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistIt's all well and good to have strategy, but if you can't do something
multiple ways, it's not strategy, it's railroading. And the former is
the way that videogames are going.
Nah, that's not what I'm talking about. Take the battle with Velius in FFT,
there's not just one way to win it. The first couple of times I went
in, he kicked me around something awful. I spent time figuring out
what attacks he and the critters that were with him used, their
ranges, that sort of thing. I started winning by staying spead out
enough that no two characters could be killed by one attack and always
bringing along multiple people who could revive from a distance. The
more times I went up against him, the more I improved my strategy. I
began using the water in the room to my advantage by lessening the
damage I took and using a Geomancer's attacks to turn Velius' cronies
into frogs. Eventually, I started using Ramza's Yell and Accumulate
skills over and over during the one-on-one fight with Wiegraf, so that
when he transforms into Velius I start out with five or six turns, and
can kill him with one hit (a tactic which wouldn't work in virtually
any other fight).
Hrm. I forgot how I kiled Velius. Knights with double sword I think.
Post by Nick JonesThe real point is that I had to *think* to win that fight. I couldn't just
walk in and bash Velius with my strongest characters. You need to find
a real strategy to fight with, and that's one of the biggest reasons
that I *love that game*, and any game that carries the same
philosophy. ^_^
You would like my friend, blueboy. His aim is BlueBoyExtreme. Tell him
Joe refered you. :) He loves strategy, especially with Starcraft. He does
cost/benefit anlysis' of the units *compared to one another*. /In his
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistMedel Of Honor.
Three words: Never played it. :p
Post by Nick JonesPost by artistDid you ever face off against 8 chocobos mixed red/black? Or maxed
teams of dragons (multicolor)/ninjas? Brrrrrrr. :(
Yeah, groups of Red and Black Chocobos were a royal bitch to fight, but Ninjas
and Dragons never gave me any problems. Though I should also mention
those flying Hydra types that spit fire, which are *hideously*
powerful when you fight 'em at the higher levels. >_<
The dragons especially kicked my ass, then the ninja's finished me off.
I hated the basalisks that where flying around when you where trying to
get that dragon girl, Rei? Dunno, it's been too long.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy
"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond