Final Fantasy Origins
(too old to reply)
2003-12-31 06:34:12 UTC
Well, I finished Final Fantasy.

And now I know who came up with the idea of fighting all the games bosses
all over again. Except they are harder. And nearly back to back. With no
way to heal. I have made a mental note to track down and seriously hurt
those people.

Now If I could only discover who thought it was a good idea to give ninja's
jetpacks. That person I will hurt _horribly_.

AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2003-12-31 10:35:17 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
Post by artist
Well, I finished Final Fantasy.
And now I know who came up with the idea of fighting all the games bosses
all over again. Except they are harder. And nearly back to back. With no
way to heal. I have made a mental note to track down and seriously hurt
those people.
You know, a million years ago when I first played Final Fantasy I had a hell
of a time getting through the Temple of Fiends. Got killed by some group of
critters, went back and eventually got offed by Tiamat v2, went back and got
past him only to be *royally* bitchslapped by Chaos. However, when I played
through FF again as a part of Origins I just completely blew through
*everything*. I was shocked at how easy it was in comparision to when I was
younger (and no, I wasn't playing it on the 'easy' setting :p).

So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain, there. ^_^;;

Pahsons - Somnolent
2003-12-31 11:13:18 UTC
Falling asleep through Nick Jones's post...
Post by Nick Jones
I was shocked at how easy it was in comparision to when I was
younger (and no, I wasn't playing it on the 'easy' setting :p).
Owner of the following: Henry Cotter - A.G.F.F., Eric Dreher AND mark
digital© - A.A.T., wiru the tired - A.F.D., and that Gino guy who keeps
chaning his nick on A.A.Acura.
2003-12-31 16:48:07 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
Well, I finished Final Fantasy.
And now I know who came up with the idea of fighting all the games
bosses all over again. Except they are harder. And nearly back to
back. With no way to heal. I have made a mental note to track down and
seriously hurt those people.
You know, a million years ago when I first played Final Fantasy I had a hell
of a time getting through the Temple of Fiends. Got killed by some
group of critters, went back and eventually got offed by Tiamat v2,
went back and got past him only to be *royally* bitchslapped by Chaos.
However, when I played through FF again as a part of Origins I just
completely blew through *everything*. I was shocked at how easy it was
in comparision to when I was younger (and no, I wasn't playing it on
the 'easy' setting :p).
I never got the chance to play it years ago, and looking at the game
book, I decided to play it in easy mode. I did quite a bit of leveling...
and didn't have a single one of my guys die, nor my girl for that matter.

I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6 rounds
I think... One Knight with Excalibur, One night with the Sun Blade, my
White Wizard with Masmune and all of them hasted/sabered. Easy goes up to
99, I was lvl 47. Maybe I should level some more and then take on Chaos.
Post by Nick Jones
So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain, there. ^_^;;
It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second versions.
It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F****** TRADITION! I have
played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up versions of all the
bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And that sucks.

Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2003-12-31 23:22:10 UTC
artist wrote:
| Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
| Jones) say...
|>Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
|>to squeal:

|> So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain,
|> there. ^_^;;
| It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second versions.
| It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F****** TRADITION! I have
| played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up versions of all the
| bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And that sucks.
Honestly, I've never played FF1, and the only game that comes to mind
that does that is Chrono Trigger. Though it's not exactly hard.. (Gold
stud + luminaire..)

I'm pretty sure I HAVE played a few other games that do that, but
they're all slipping my mind at the moment.

| Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
is that also from FF1?

~ -Araemo
2004-01-01 02:43:39 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard Araemo <***@rehtoro-
s> say...
Hash: SHA1
| Jones) say...
|>Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
|> So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain,
|> there. ^_^;;
| It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second
| It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F****** TRADITION! I have
| played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up versions of all the
| bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And that sucks.
Honestly, I've never played FF1, and the only game that comes to mind
that does that is Chrono Trigger. Though it's not exactly hard.. (Gold
stud + luminaire..)
I'm pretty sure I HAVE played a few other games that do that, but
they're all slipping my mind at the moment.
| Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
is that also from FF1?
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2004-01-01 02:34:46 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
Post by artist
I never got the chance to play it years ago,
I played pretty much *everything* years ago.

Nick = Old school
Post by artist
didn't have a single one of my guys die, nor my girl for that matter.
I take it you're referring to the White Mage as girl? I ask, because people
still debate whether or not that *is* a girl. Square should've just put her in
a harem outfit in FFO in order to end the speculation.


Or just for the sake of having a girl in a harem outfit in the game. Works
either way.
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6 rounds
I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain, there. ^_^;;
It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second versions.
It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F****** TRADITION! I have
played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up versions of all the
bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And that sucks.
Huh. That trend never really bothered me. It's a bit cliche, but I never pay
much attention to those fights, since the rehashed bosses tended to be
pushovers (even when powered up).
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o

2004-01-01 02:49:06 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
I never got the chance to play it years ago,
I played pretty much *everything* years ago.
Nick = Old school
Define old school. I picked up gaming when I was 12.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
didn't have a single one of my guys die, nor my girl for that matter.
I take it you're referring to the White Mage as girl? I ask, because people
still debate whether or not that *is* a girl. Square should've just
put her in a harem outfit in FFO in order to end the speculation.
God, some people are such dorks. They probably can't accept the fact it's
the closest they will ever get to a female.
Post by Nick Jones
Or just for the sake of having a girl in a harem outfit in the game. Works
either way.
That's Chrono Trigger.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may try it
again with three fighters and a white mage.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain, there. ^_^;;
It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second
versions. It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F******
TRADITION! I have played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up
versions of all the bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And
that sucks.
Huh. That trend never really bothered me. It's a bit cliche, but I never pay
much attention to those fights, since the rehashed bosses tended to be
pushovers (even when powered up).
We must not be playing the same games.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES. We
spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden. Another
friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first friend) was
playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub areas... They
where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars in every direction

5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we EVER
catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas jetpacks we would
castrate him and feed him his member.

AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2004-01-01 03:29:22 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I never got the chance to play it years ago,
I played pretty much *everything* years ago.
Nick = Old school
Define old school. I picked up gaming when I was 12.
I picked up gaming when I became old enough to reach the controls in an arcade
(with help from a footstool :p).
Post by artist
God, some people are such dorks. They probably can't accept the fact it's
the closest they will ever get to a female.
My theory is that a lot of guys just don't like the idea of playing a female
character, even if it is only one out of a party of four (it's the same
phenomenon that causes most female action figures to become pegwarmers). I find
that viewpoint particularly odd, since whenever given the choice in a game I
always create/use/add as many female characters as I can get. O_o
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Or just for the sake of having a girl in a harem outfit in the game.
Works either way.
That's Chrono Trigger.
But there should be *more*. ;_;
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may try it
again with three fighters and a white mage.
Ah, but the game's too easy if you do that. Use a Thief or Red Mage, they
totally suck. :p
Post by artist
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES. We
spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden. Another
friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first friend) was
playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub areas... They
where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars in every direction
Huh. I have no memory of any troublesome jetpack ninja in Ninja Gaiden. O_o


Must not have had any problem getting past them when I played it. :p

Heretic Ashura
2004-01-01 05:14:37 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Ah, but the game's too easy if you do that. Use a Thief or Red Mage, they
totally suck. :p
I'll agree on the Thief note (try beating FF1 with a team of nothing BUT
Thieves...good fucking luck.), but as far as saying Red Mages suck I must
say that you're full of it. I take a Red Mage over a Fighter in my party
every time, Excalibur be damned. They can still do enough damage, and having
that extra healing helps a lot early on.

And if nothing else, you simply CANNOT argue with the hat and cape.

........Oh, and happy new year everyone. *yawn*

Nick Jones
2004-01-01 06:58:22 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Heretic Ashura managed
Post by Heretic Ashura
Post by Nick Jones
Ah, but the game's too easy if you do that. Use a Thief or Red Mage, they
totally suck. :p
I'll agree on the Thief note (try beating FF1 with a team of nothing BUT
Thieves...good fucking luck.), but as far as saying Red Mages suck I must
say that you're full of it. I take a Red Mage over a Fighter in my party
every time, Excalibur be damned. They can still do enough damage, and
having that extra healing helps a lot early on.
Red Mages are pretty good in the very beginning of the game, but the further
you get into it the more useless they become. Starting really early on they
just can't handle themselves anywhere near as well as the fighting classes on
physical offense, and while they can do some damage with magic they're not
nearly as effective as the Black Mage. Toward the end they lack the higher
level healing spells of the White Wizard, and the black magic they can use
won't do the kind of damage you need to do against the stronger critters, so
they're mostly relegated to a cheap support role. But they are a good class to
use if you're looking for more of a challenge.

All IMO, of course. ^_^
Post by Heretic Ashura
And if nothing else, you simply CANNOT argue with the hat and cape.
Eh. I'd only be inclined to care about what they were wearing if they were
girls. :p

...schoolgirl outfits...
Heretic Ashura
2004-01-01 19:37:14 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Heretic Ashura
And if nothing else, you simply CANNOT argue with the hat and cape.
Eh. I'd only be inclined to care about what they were wearing if they were
girls. :p
...Goddammit Nick, do you ALWAYS have to say stuff I can't argue with?

2004-01-01 22:04:19 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Heretic Ashura
Post by Heretic Ashura
Post by Nick Jones
Ah, but the game's too easy if you do that. Use a Thief or Red Mage, they
totally suck. :p
I'll agree on the Thief note (try beating FF1 with a team of nothing
BUT Thieves...good fucking luck.), but as far as saying Red Mages suck
I must say that you're full of it. I take a Red Mage over a Fighter in
my party every time, Excalibur be damned. They can still do enough
damage, and having that extra healing helps a lot early on.
Red Mages are pretty good in the very beginning of the game, but the further
you get into it the more useless they become. Starting really early on
they just can't handle themselves anywhere near as well as the
fighting classes on physical offense, and while they can do some
damage with magic they're not nearly as effective as the Black Mage.
Toward the end they lack the higher level healing spells of the White
Wizard, and the black magic they can use won't do the kind of damage
you need to do against the stronger critters, so they're mostly
relegated to a cheap support role. But they are a good class to use if
you're looking for more of a challenge.
Oh, I dunno. My black wizard can't wreak anywhere near the havoc my
fighters can later on. Hell, my white wizard does more with Masmune than
he can with Flare. I'm convinced that the best power party is 3 knights
and a white wizard.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2004-01-02 04:11:55 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
Post by artist
Oh, I dunno. My black wizard can't wreak anywhere near the havoc my
fighters can later on. Hell, my white wizard does more with Masmune than
he can with Flare.
Oh sure, I was just making the point that Red Mages suck in comparison to
Black Mages as far as magic goes. Black Mages also happen to suck compared to
Fighters or Monks in terms of damage-dealing (but not as much as the Red Mages
:p). As far as I'm concerned, Black Mages are useful for thinning out large
groups of critters, and not much else.
Post by artist
I'm convinced that the best power party is 3 knights and a white wizard.
I'd trade in one of those Knights for a Master (which kicks much ass toward
the end of the game), but totally agree otherwise. Of course, I never use power
parties, because the game becomes painfully easy with 'em. It's a lot more
fun/frustrating with a group of second stringers. ^_^

2004-01-02 17:54:13 UTC
It's a lot more fun/frustrating with a group of second stringers. ^_^
Of course. Why do you think my party always goes Red/Thief/White/Black?

(My apologies to Nick for accidentally sending this reply to HIM instead of
the newsgroup the other day...when one's in enough of a haze the "reply to
group" and "reply to user" buttons on Lookout Express can look pretty

2004-01-03 05:09:04 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
Oh, I dunno. My black wizard can't wreak anywhere near the havoc my
fighters can later on. Hell, my white wizard does more with Masmune
than he can with Flare.
Oh sure, I was just making the point that Red Mages suck in
comparison to
Black Mages as far as magic goes. Black Mages also happen to suck
compared to Fighters or Monks in terms of damage-dealing (but not as
much as the Red Mages
:p). As far as I'm concerned, Black Mages are useful for thinning out
groups of critters, and not much else.
If your comparing raw damage, yeah. At least Cure2 is somewhat usefull
later on for healing your guys. My knights can use it enough times to
bring at least a couple of guys HP's up to max again ( lvl 50 and 999 for
both knights, 800 something for my white mage and 500 something for my
black mage in Easy.)
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I'm convinced that the best power party is 3 knights and a white wizard.
I'd trade in one of those Knights for a Master (which kicks much ass toward
the end of the game), but totally agree otherwise. Of course, I never
use power parties, because the game becomes painfully easy with 'em.
It's a lot more fun/frustrating with a group of second stringers. ^_^
I would imagine the Master probably would, but I'm a sucker for heavy
armor. I like balanced characters that can do a little of everything.
Maybe a team of red mages would be fun to try. :p
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2004-01-03 07:48:07 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
My knights can use it enough times to bring at least a couple of
guys HP's up to max again ( lvl 50 and 999 for both knights, 800
something for my white mage and 500 something for my black
mage in Easy.)
'Easy' doesn't really count. :p The white magic Knights can use isn't nearly
as helpful on the normal setting, due to your not being able to cast it nearly
as many times as you can on 'easy'. This is why White Mages are more valuable
than any other class in the game, with all of their healing spells.
Post by Nick Jones
I'd trade in one of those Knights for a Master (which kicks much ass toward
the end of the game), but totally agree otherwise. Of course, I never
use power parties, because the game becomes painfully easy with 'em.
It's a lot more fun/frustrating with a group of second stringers. ^_^
I would imagine the Master probably would, but I'm a sucker for heavy
armor. I like balanced characters that can do a little of everything.
But there's also the fact that when you have a lot of members of the same
class, you're going to have to spread out the really good equipment. A Master
can do as much physical damage as a Knight, with absolutely no weapon required.
Maybe a team of red mages would be fun to try. :p
Only if you're a masochist or using the wuss... err... 'easy' setting. :p

Red Mages < Anybody Else
2004-01-03 17:52:55 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
My knights can use it enough times to bring at least a couple of
guys HP's up to max again ( lvl 50 and 999 for both knights, 800
something for my white mage and 500 something for my black
mage in Easy.)
'Easy' doesn't really count. :p The white magic Knights can use isn't nearly
as helpful on the normal setting, due to your not being able to cast
it nearly as many times as you can on 'easy'. This is why White Mages
are more valuable than any other class in the game, with all of their
healing spells.
If there was better healing items, I could go all knights.
And even at level 50 on easy, they only have 8 spells in the levels 1-3
slots. Still useless.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Nick Jones
I'd trade in one of those Knights for a Master (which kicks much ass toward
the end of the game), but totally agree otherwise. Of course, I
never use power parties, because the game becomes painfully easy
with 'em. It's a lot more fun/frustrating with a group of second
stringers. ^_^
I would imagine the Master probably would, but I'm a sucker for heavy
armor. I like balanced characters that can do a little of everything.
But there's also the fact that when you have a lot of members of the same
class, you're going to have to spread out the really good equipment. A
Master can do as much physical damage as a Knight, with absolutely no
weapon required. ^_^
I do that when I play ANY game. I don't like to put all my eggs in one
basket, that's why I like the balanced archtypes.
Post by Nick Jones
Maybe a team of red mages would be fun to try. :p
Only if you're a masochist or using the wuss... err... 'easy'
setting. :p
Oh shush. ;)
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Arturus Magi
2004-01-04 01:14:49 UTC
From: ***@aol.com (Nick Jones)
Newsgroups: alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai
Date: 03 Jan 2004 07:48:07 GMT
Post by Nick Jones
A Master
can do as much physical damage as a Knight, with absolutely no weapon required.
More, actually. A level 40+ master can kill Chaos in one attack if you're
lucky. In Hard mode. (Four to eight attacks for c. 500 damage each, unhasted.
THIS is what your black mages are for in the endgame. Making sure your Master
gets his autokill in by hasting him.)
Arturus Magi
LTC Commanding
AIM: ArturusMag, NHogue
ICQ: 19106776

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who PRESS ENTER Here
2004-01-01 03:56:51 UTC
Post by artist
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
I never got the chance to play it years ago,
I played pretty much *everything* years ago.
Nick = Old school
Define old school. I picked up gaming when I was 12.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
didn't have a single one of my guys die, nor my girl for that matter.
I take it you're referring to the White Mage as girl? I ask, because people
still debate whether or not that *is* a girl. Square should've just
put her in a harem outfit in FFO in order to end the speculation.
God, some people are such dorks. They probably can't accept the fact it's
the closest they will ever get to a female.
Post by Nick Jones
Or just for the sake of having a girl in a harem outfit in the game. Works
either way.
That's Chrono Trigger.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may try it
again with three fighters and a white mage.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
So... uh... I guess I'm saying that I can't relate to your pain, there. ^_^;;
It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second
versions. It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F******
TRADITION! I have played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up
versions of all the bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And
that sucks.
Huh. That trend never really bothered me. It's a bit cliche, but I never pay
much attention to those fights, since the rehashed bosses tended to be
pushovers (even when powered up).
We must not be playing the same games.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES. We
spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden. Another
friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first friend) was
playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub areas... They
where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars in every direction
5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we EVER
catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas jetpacks we would
castrate him and feed him his member.
Weenies. All you need is jump and slash.
2004-01-01 07:57:17 UTC
Post by artist
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may try it
again with three fighters and a white mage.
What, no FAST?
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES. We
spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden. Another
friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first friend) was
playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub areas... They
where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars in every direction
5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we EVER
catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas jetpacks we would
castrate him and feed him his member.
IIRC, that's the point where I decided that whatever satisfaction I'd get
finishing the game couldn't possibly be worth the amount of frustration I'd
get from the rest of the levels.
Post by artist
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?

2004-01-01 22:06:20 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
(Nick Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may
try it again with three fighters and a white mage.
What, no FAST?
Two words;
Giants Gauntlets.

I can do without fast with the kind of physical damage my knights whip
out; I have yet to see a boss or monster that's physical resistant.
Post by unknown
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES.
We spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden.
Another friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first
friend) was playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub
areas... They where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars
in every direction imaginable.
5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we
EVER catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas jetpacks
we would castrate him and feed him his member.
IIRC, that's the point where I decided that whatever satisfaction I'd
get from
finishing the game couldn't possibly be worth the amount of
frustration I'd get from the rest of the levels.
Did you play it?
That's the point where we gave up.
Post by unknown
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?
Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-05 04:11:23 UTC
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
(Nick Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me 6
rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may
try it again with three fighters and a white mage.
What, no FAST?
Two words;
Giants Gauntlets.
I keep thinking in terms of FF1. :-/
With the bug fixes and shared inventory in FFO, that sounds like a
good strategy.
Post by artist
I can do without fast with the kind of physical damage my knights whip
out; I have yet to see a boss or monster that's physical resistant.
Actually, I think there's a couple enemies in the Marsh Cave that only
take 1 damage from every hit, but I can't see them posing much of a
Post by artist
Post by unknown
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the NES.
We spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja Gaiden.
Another friend (who's timing is better than either mine or the first
friend) was playing. We got to the last area, and the last few sub
areas... They where LOADED with jetpack ninjas throwing ninja stars
in every direction imaginable.
5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we
EVER catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas jetpacks
we would castrate him and feed him his member.
IIRC, that's the point where I decided that whatever satisfaction I'd
get from finishing the game couldn't possibly be worth the amount
of frustration I'd get from the rest of the levels.
Did you play it?
That's the point where we gave up.
Yes, I bought a copy a few months ago. I made it up to partway through
the fifth stage, where I ran into the jetpack ninjas you were talking about.
After spending some ungodly number of continues, I gave up since I
wasn't really making any progress. Not to mention that the fun wears
out pretty quickly when you're playing the same area over and over,
dying in the same area each time. :(
Post by artist
Post by unknown
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?
Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
I'm assuming it's a take-off of "The king is dead! Long live the king!"
Is there more to it than that?

2004-01-05 05:09:30 UTC
RelMark wrote:
| "artist" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message
| news:***@
|>Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
|><bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
|>>"artist" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message
|>>>Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com
|>>>(Nick Jones) say...
|>>>"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
|>>Diablo 2?
|>Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
| I'm assuming it's a take-off of "The king is dead! Long live the king!"
| Is there more to it than that?
| RelMark

At any given moment on battle.net theres probably a dozen (at least)
games playing through the cow level, killing all the cows(and the cow
king). You're only supposed to be able to visit the cow level once per
time you beat the game. (once on normal, once on hard, once on
nightmare).. but on battle.net, someone else opens the portal after they
beat the game, and you follow them in. So you can kill the cow king..
over and over.. and he's always there for more.

At least, thats my guess what that quote is all about. :P
2004-01-05 19:02:27 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
(Nick Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I blew through the game in about 15 hours and chaos? It took me
6 rounds I think...
...on the easy setting. Let's not forget that. :p
Wouldn't have mattered much. Black mages still suck overall. I may
try it again with three fighters and a white mage.
What, no FAST?
Two words;
Giants Gauntlets.
I keep thinking in terms of FF1. :-/
With the bug fixes and shared inventory in FFO, that sounds like a
good strategy.
Post by artist
I can do without fast with the kind of physical damage my knights
whip out; I have yet to see a boss or monster that's physical
Actually, I think there's a couple enemies in the Marsh Cave that only
take 1 damage from every hit, but I can't see them posing much of a
Post by artist
Post by unknown
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
No, Ninja Gaiden. *The* Ninja Gaiden.
I threw a good friend a birthday party, and he dragged out the
NES. We spent all night playing games, one of them being Ninja
Gaiden. Another friend (who's timing is better than either mine or
the first friend) was playing. We got to the last area, and the
last few sub areas... They where LOADED with jetpack ninjas
throwing ninja stars in every direction imaginable.
5 caffeine fogged and frustrated hours later we made a pact; if we
EVER catch the guy who thought it a good idea to give ninjas
jetpacks we would castrate him and feed him his member.
IIRC, that's the point where I decided that whatever satisfaction
I'd get from finishing the game couldn't possibly be worth the
amount of frustration I'd get from the rest of the levels.
Did you play it?
That's the point where we gave up.
Yes, I bought a copy a few months ago. I made it up to partway
through the fifth stage, where I ran into the jetpack ninjas you were
talking about. After spending some ungodly number of continues, I gave
up since I wasn't really making any progress. Not to mention that the
fun wears out pretty quickly when you're playing the same area over
and over, dying in the same area each time. :(
Post by artist
Post by unknown
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?
Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
I'm assuming it's a take-off of "The king is dead! Long live the
king!" Is there more to it than that?
No, it's a take off of an old saying that applied to the (percieved)
tyrany of European monarchs (about the time their power was waning).
King George III is a bastard! Long live king George III! It was an
expression of cynacism.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-06 03:48:03 UTC
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
Post by artist
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?
Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
I'm assuming it's a take-off of "The king is dead! Long live the
king!" Is there more to it than that?
No, it's a take off of an old saying that applied to the (percieved)
tyrany of European monarchs (about the time their power was waning).
King George III is a bastard! Long live king George III! It was an
expression of cynacism.
My mistake, then. I don't believe I've come across that saying before.
European history isn't one of my strong points.

2004-01-06 20:13:01 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
Post by RelMark
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
Post by artist
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard "RelMark"
<bsmith77(at)dreamscape(dot)com> say...
Post by unknown
Post by artist
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Diablo 2?
Well, yes, but the puns a bit deeper than that.
I'm assuming it's a take-off of "The king is dead! Long live the
king!" Is there more to it than that?
No, it's a take off of an old saying that applied to the (percieved)
tyrany of European monarchs (about the time their power was waning).
King George III is a bastard! Long live king George III! It was an
expression of cynacism.
My mistake, then. I don't believe I've come across that saying
before. European history isn't one of my strong points.
Neither is it mine, which is sad since I just covered it last semester in
college. Damnit... my brain is meeeeeeelting allready. :(
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-02 09:53:33 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
It's not that I had any trouble, hell, I raped all the second
versions. It's just that NOW I KNOW WHO CREATED THAT F******
TRADITION! I have played games with 10 consecutive 'fight hopped up
versions of all the bosses again back-to-back' battles before. And
that sucks.
Huh. That trend never really bothered me. It's a bit cliche, but I never pay
much attention to those fights, since the rehashed bosses tended to be
pushovers (even when powered up).
Have you played A PAL verison of FFX..?
Dark summons are a motherfucker...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Not as much as ninja's with jetpacks mind you, but it still SUCKS!
Ninja with jetpacks? I think I missed something... O_o
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
Nick Jones
2004-01-03 07:47:18 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Chocodeath managed to
Post by Chocodeath
Post by Nick Jones
Huh. That trend never really bothered me. It's a bit cliche, but I never pay
much attention to those fights, since the rehashed bosses tended to be
pushovers (even when powered up).
Have you played A PAL verison of FFX..?
Nick = American

...and I barely managed to get through FFX without boredom totally
overwhelming me, so there's just no chance of my playing through it again, PAL
or otherwise. :p
Post by Chocodeath
Dark summons are a motherfucker...
Took me a good, long while to even remember what you were talking about there;
they must've been pretty weak in the US release to have made almost no impact
on my mind at all. O_o

2004-01-03 08:07:31 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Took me a good, long while to even remember what you were talking about there;
they must've been pretty weak in the US release to have made almost no
impact on my mind at all. O_o
They don't exist in the US copies of the game. They are PAL/International
only. You wouldn't want to fight one anyway, from what I hear.
AIM: FrznFoodClerk
email: de_on-***@co_cast.net (_ = m)
website: under construction
Need a technician in the south Jersey area?
email/IM for rates/services
Nick Jones
2004-01-03 08:21:52 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, DeMoN LaG managed to
Post by DeMoN LaG
Post by Nick Jones
Took me a good, long while to even remember what you were talking about there;
they must've been pretty weak in the US release to have made almost no
impact on my mind at all. O_o
They don't exist in the US copies of the game. They are PAL/International
only. You wouldn't want to fight one anyway, from what I hear.
I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end of the
game... So I take it the Dark Summons are something totally different, then? Or
did I just imagine fighting them? O_o

::bored to tears by FFX, Nick imagines an entirely new scenario in which he
kills all of the summoned monsters one by one, shortly followed by that
irritating little twit Tidus:: :p
2004-01-03 09:04:45 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end of the
game... So I take it the Dark Summons are something totally different,
then? Or did I just imagine fighting them? O_o
The ones at the end are not Dark Aeons. They are simply your aeons
overtaken by Yu Yevon. The Dark Aeons are called by other summoners, and
have insanely high stats (as in, you will want to have 255 in all of your
stats before having a /chance/ at beating them). Example: Dark Shiva has
an agility of 255 (among other things), making it nearly impossible to hit
her and giving her an insane number of turns between yours if you are not
prepared and properly maxed out. If you beat all the dark aeons, you can
fight Penance, the most powerful creature in any final fantasy game ever
AIM: FrznFoodClerk
email: de_on-***@co_cast.net (_ = m)
website: under construction
Need a technician in the south Jersey area?
email/IM for rates/services
2004-01-03 17:54:52 UTC
Post by DeMoN LaG
Post by Nick Jones
I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end of the
game... So I take it the Dark Summons are something totally
different, then? Or did I just imagine fighting them? O_o
The ones at the end are not Dark Aeons. They are simply your aeons
overtaken by Yu Yevon. The Dark Aeons are called by other summoners,
and have insanely high stats (as in, you will want to have 255 in all
Dark Shiva has an agility of 255 (among other things), making it
nearly impossible to hit her and giving her an insane number of turns
between yours if you are not prepared and properly maxed out. If you
beat all the dark aeons, you can fight Penance, the most powerful
creature in any final fantasy game ever made.
I did that with my codebreaker. I'm betting I can rape 'em. Now the
combined monsters in the calm lands, those can be nasty.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-03 18:51:30 UTC
Post by artist
I did that with my codebreaker. I'm betting I can rape 'em. Now the
combined monsters in the calm lands, those can be nasty.
The dark aeons are powerful enough that if they were to fight monster arena
creations, they could kill them probably without getting hit.
AIM: FrznFoodClerk
email: de_on-***@co_cast.net (_ = m)
website: under construction
Need a technician in the south Jersey area?
email/IM for rates/services
2004-01-03 19:53:33 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end of the
::bored to tears by FFX, Nick imagines an entirely new scenario in
::which he
kills all of the summoned monsters one by one, shortly followed by
that irritating little twit Tidus:: :p
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly

FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a joke...[I've
never seen the supernova...]
FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this the shortest
boss battle ever...
FFX- You can't die, could it be any easier...

Saying that the side bosses were hard:
Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
I've only killed Ruby and Omega...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
2004-01-03 20:12:44 UTC
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly
Just goes to prove that America is full of a bunch of pussies that don't
want any chance of losing, be it at war or video games.

2004-01-03 20:55:17 UTC
If I don't respond to this Chocodeath post, the terrorists win.
Post by Chocodeath
Post by Nick Jones
I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at
the end of the
::bored to tears by FFX, Nick imagines an entirely new scenario
::in which he
kills all of the summoned monsters one by one, shortly followed
by that irritating little twit Tidus:: :p
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being
stupidly easy...
FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a
joke...[I've never seen the supernova...]
FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this
the shortest boss battle ever...
FFX- You can't die, could it be any easier...
Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
I've only killed Ruby and Omega...
You forgot FF6 - Kefka was the coolest (and craziest) bad guy
ever. Until you fight him. I beat him in three minutes; my most
powerful character was L55 Terra. Sad, really.
(Frankly, especially once you can use the Vanish/Doom trick, 90%
of the boss fights were WEAK.)

My name is:
____ _
/ ___| | | http://www.geocities.com/
| |__ _ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ __ | | mysterysciencefreezer
| __|| '__/ _ \/ _ \/_ // _ \| '__|| | (My MSTings)
| | | | __/ __/ / /| __/| | |_| http://dccmm.com
|_| |_| \___|\___||___|\___||_| (_) (Rasslin' type subjects)

And my anti-drug is porn.
2004-01-04 19:22:23 UTC
Post by Freezer
You forgot FF6 - Kefka was the coolest (and craziest) bad guy
ever. Until you fight him. I beat him in three minutes; my most
powerful character was L55 Terra. Sad, really.
I forgot him...
What an anticlimatic battle that was...
But I remeber being in awe at the way the battle developed as it spanned

Saying that that CT boss was a bitch to kill...
I remeber trying to kill him from the warp at the start...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
2004-01-04 19:39:14 UTC
Post by Chocodeath
Saying that that CT boss was a bitch to kill...
I remeber trying to kill him from the warp at the start...
Lavos? Yeah, that battle's a little taxing with just Chrono, or even just
Chrono and Marle...not taxing like in difficult, mind you. I find it more
taxing on my patience. I can only watch Luminaire go off so many times in a
row before I get sick of it. One day I just said to heck with it, gave
Chrono the Shiva Edge (screw the Rainbow sword, I'll take 4x damage any day,
especially as much as I tended to nail a crit on that game..), the Ozzie
Pants, and the Berserker, and then just went to grab a bite to eat while
Lavos went splat.

2004-01-04 05:13:01 UTC
Chocodeath wrote:
| Nick Jones said:
|> I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end
|> of the
|>::bored to tears by FFX, Nick imagines an entirely new scenario in
|>::which he
|>kills all of the summoned monsters one by one, shortly followed by
|>that irritating little twit Tidus:: :p
| Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly
| easy...
| FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a joke...[I've
| never seen the supernova...]
Supernova was usefull. My first limit break wasn't enough to kill him,
but he followed it with supernova which gave all 3 guys limit breaks.
ow to sephiroth. :P

| FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
| FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this the
| boss battle ever...
| FFX- You can't die, could it be any easier...
I'm trying to ignore these... I will probably never finish FF8(got too
boring), and I'll pick up FF9 again sometime after I beat xenogears, and
I've yet to buy FFX.. (But I think I'm like 1/4 of the way in from when
I rented it)

| Saying that the side bosses were hard:
| Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
| I've only killed Ruby and Omega...

If we're talking FF7 ruby.. yeah.. dunno the others though. :P

~ -Araemo
2004-01-12 15:56:53 UTC
Hash: SHA1
|> I seem to remember fighting the summoned monsters of FFX at the end
|> of the
|>::bored to tears by FFX, Nick imagines an entirely new scenario in
|>::which he
|>kills all of the summoned monsters one by one, shortly followed by
|>that irritating little twit Tidus:: :p
| Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being
| stupidly easy...
| FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a
| joke...[I've never seen the supernova...]
Supernova was usefull. My first limit break wasn't enough to kill
him, but he followed it with supernova which gave all 3 guys limit
breaks. ow to sephiroth. :P
| FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
| FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this the
| boss battle ever...
| FFX- You can't die, could it be any easier...
I'm trying to ignore these... I will probably never finish FF8(got too
boring), and I'll pick up FF9 again sometime after I beat xenogears,
and I've yet to buy FFX.. (But I think I'm like 1/4 of the way in from
when I rented it)
| Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
| I've only killed Ruby and Omega...
If we're talking FF7 ruby.. yeah.. dunno the others though. :P
~ -Araemo
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-nr2 (Windows 2000)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
Hell. I beat Sephiroth in as few minutes, but still got my ass handed to
me by Emerald and Ruby weapons
2004-01-12 16:49:10 UTC
Post by T-Bone
Hell. I beat Sephiroth in as few minutes, but still got my ass handed to
me by Emerald and Ruby weapons
I've never been able to walk all over Ruby or Emerald. I was ready to
destroy Emerald weapon a few weeks ago. People at decent levels, all
summons, other materia, etc. Walk into the fight, he attacks, kills two
people. Revive them, he kills the other one, revive them, he kills all
three. I was like "Hmm, maybe I'll wait till I hit level 99..."
AIM: FrznFoodClerk
email: de_on-***@co_cast.net (_ = m)
website: under construction
Need a technician in the south Jersey area?
email/IM for rates/services
2004-01-12 21:12:51 UTC
DeMoN LaG wrote:
| "T-Bone" <***@megor.com> wrote in news:Xns946E653652614tbonemegorcom@
|>Hell. I beat Sephiroth in as few minutes, but still got my ass handed to
|>me by Emerald and Ruby weapons
| I've never been able to walk all over Ruby or Emerald. I was ready to
| destroy Emerald weapon a few weeks ago. People at decent levels, all
| summons, other materia, etc. Walk into the fight, he attacks, kills two
| people. Revive them, he kills the other one, revive them, he kills all
| three. I was like "Hmm, maybe I'll wait till I hit level 99..."

Emerald did that? I fought him a few times and actually lasted a
while(he drops you to 1 hp in one hit, then finish the next hit.. thats
plenty of time to use knights of the round connected to hp drain... plus
mime... and mime.. and mime...)
Arturus Magi
2004-01-13 02:26:02 UTC
From: Araemo ***@rehtoro-s
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 21:12:51 GMT
Post by Araemo
Emerald did that? I fought him a few times and actually lasted a
while(he drops you to 1 hp in one hit,
Tam Air Storm can hit the whole party for 9999 against maxed out characters.
Emerald doesn't have any thing similar to Fallen One, it's just coincidence
that Tam often leaves everyone around 100 HP.
Arturus Magi
LTC Commanding
AIM: ArturusMag, NHogue
ICQ: 19106776

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who PRESS ENTER Here
2004-01-14 07:16:19 UTC
Post by Arturus Magi
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 21:12:51 GMT
Post by Araemo
Emerald did that? I fought him a few times and actually lasted a
while(he drops you to 1 hp in one hit,
Tam Air Storm can hit the whole party for 9999 against maxed out characters.
Emerald doesn't have any thing similar to Fallen One, it's just coincidence
that Tam often leaves everyone around 100 HP.
Arturus Magi
LTC Commanding
AIM: ArturusMag, NHogue
ICQ: 19106776
Abandon Hope, All Ye Who PRESS ENTER Here
2004-01-20 10:22:25 UTC
Post by DeMoN LaG
Post by T-Bone
Hell. I beat Sephiroth in as few minutes, but still got my ass handed to
me by Emerald and Ruby weapons
I've never been able to walk all over Ruby or Emerald. I was ready to
destroy Emerald weapon a few weeks ago. People at decent levels, all
summons, other materia, etc. Walk into the fight, he attacks, kills two
people. Revive them, he kills the other one, revive them, he kills all
three. I was like "Hmm, maybe I'll wait till I hit level 99..."
walk into ruby fight with one character already dead. Equip (final
attack<=>pheonix) on at least one character. He won't trash your party as long
as the dead character stays dead. Kick his ass. Revive dead character. Get
underwater materia. go find emerald. kick his ass don't stop kicking till he's
dead. (won't really have to stop since the (final attack<=>pheonix) will revive
you as soon as you die. It's kinda gay since you can't die, but it gets the job
done. And it can be done without underwater materia, but you can run out of
time so having fast/hated characters isn't a bad idea.

"She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid." -Han Solo
"You came in that? You're braver than I thaught!" -Princess Leah
"Judge me by my size do you?" -Yoda
"Now, you will feel the power of the dark side." -Darth Vadar

Nick Jones
2004-01-04 11:16:51 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Chocodeath managed to
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now, like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
Post by Chocodeath
FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a joke...[I've
never seen the supernova...]
It really boggles the mind that the guy who almost blew up the world is
infinitely weaker than some red tentacled/portly green thingamajig whose only
goal is to hang out in the desert/swim around in circles.
Post by Chocodeath
FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
More importantly, how can you lose when you have the power of teenage angst on
your side? :p
Post by Chocodeath
FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this the shortest
boss battle ever...
Never bothered to finish the game. Got a couple of days into a rental and just
stopped playing. However, I will assume that I would've kicked around any
potential boss that I might've come across with minimal effort. :p

Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Post by Chocodeath
Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
I've only killed Ruby and Omega...
Square should just bite the bullet and make the final bosses from their games
as hard as the critters they currently use as optional bosses. The last boss
should be the most difficult challenge, not some random creature off in an
optional dungeon with little to no story behind it.

"I'm the most powerful being on the planet, so I think I'll just sit here in a
cave and wait for some adventurers to come and kill me for the bragging
2004-01-04 15:40:11 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Square should just bite the bullet and make the final bosses from their games
as hard as the critters they currently use as optional bosses. The last boss
should be the most difficult challenge, not some random creature off in an
optional dungeon with little to no story behind it.
True. I mean, look at what it did for Star Ocean: 2nd Story...limiter on or
off, I have to say that Indalecio was a royal bitch to beat.

Nick Jones
2004-01-05 06:21:03 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Ashura managed to
limiter on or off, I have to say that Indalecio was a
royal bitch to beat.

I *knew* that there was something I had forgotten to do in that game! >_<

Cleared the bonus dungeon, beat Gabrie Celesta, beat Iselia Queen, but forgot
to go back to take off the limiter and fight Indalecio again. >_<
Asura Calibre
2004-01-05 16:55:10 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Ashura managed to
limiter on or off, I have to say that Indalecio was a
royal bitch to beat.
I *knew* that there was something I had forgotten to do in that game! >_<
Heh, good luck man. I'll warn you right now that even with the most powerful
weapons and armor in the game, and with everyone at max level and shit, I
STILL had to break out the GameShark to beat that bastard, and even THEN he
kept killing me. Had to use an Infinite HP code in conjunction with a full
set of Bloody Armor to beat his sorry ass...

And even then, with Claude and Ashton ripping away at him with Mirror Slice
& Sword Dance, the whole ordeal still took a good...what, 20-some minutes...

So yeah. Be prepared for maximum frustration.

...But then again, from what I've noticed in the past, it's the most
frustrating games that seem to be the most fun.

Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at
http://xaq10r.deviantart.com (non-hentai)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asuracalibre/ (hentai)
Nick Jones
2004-01-06 06:28:02 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Asura Calibre managed
Post by Asura Calibre
Heh, good luck man. I'll warn you right now that even with the most powerful
weapons and armor in the game, and with everyone at max level and shit, I
STILL had to break out the GameShark to beat that bastard, and even THEN he
kept killing me.
Duly noted, but trust me, you have *no idea* how tenacious I am. ^_^

Indalecio is screwed. S'truth.
Arturus Magi
2004-01-05 19:13:11 UTC
From: "Ashura" ***@yahoo.com
Newsgroups: alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 15:40:11 GMT
Post by Ashura
True. I mean, look at what it did for Star Ocean: 2nd Story...limiter on or
off, I have to say that Indalecio was a royal bitch to beat.
Odd. I found him fairly easy pre-limiter.

If everyone's got a shield or weapon that counterattacks and have fairly high
HP, charge Indalecio with everyone but whomever is filling the role of you
healer (which generally should be Rena). The 16×3 counterattacks from the
Divine Wave he always starts the fight with already leave him nearly half dead.
Arturus Magi
LTC Commanding
AIM: ArturusMag, NHogue
ICQ: 19106776

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who PRESS ENTER Here
2004-01-05 23:49:58 UTC
Arturus Magi wrote on 05 Jan 04 14:13:

[ ]
[ ]

What character is that? What's its Unicode number?
KeyID: 0xC00D540D
See <http://www.zarggg.net/contact.html> for contact information.
2004-01-06 00:05:19 UTC
Zarggg wrote:
| Arturus Magi wrote on 05 Jan 04 14:13:
| [ ]
| [ ]
| What character is that? What's its Unicode number?

ASCII D7, or 215. unicode.. (Looks it up) 00D7.. at least according to
MS Character map.

~ -Araemo
2004-01-04 19:18:22 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Still not finished FFT yet -_-;;
I haven't got the patience and thus too scared to start FFTA...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
2004-01-05 04:06:28 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Chocodeath
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now, like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
I, for one, like it that way; makes the battles easy and focus on
character development. I don't buy games for the battle system, I buy
them for the story. Poor story? Forget it. Dragon Half had one of the
best stories I've seen, but the battle system was ridiculously contrived.
If you like hard battle systems, that's the game for you. Helloooo
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
FF7- Seph was disappointing and that one hit battle was a joke...[I've
never seen the supernova...]
It really boggles the mind that the guy who almost blew up the world is
infinitely weaker than some red tentacled/portly green thingamajig
whose only goal is to hang out in the desert/swim around in circles
The first time I played the game I fought him at lvl 42 (Cloud, the rest
where weaker). I had followed the story through with no leveling of any
kind, it was a tough one. I suppose it depends on how you play the game.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
FF8- How can you lose with a party of 6?
More importantly, how can you lose when you have the power of teenage angst on
your side? :p
By losing? I did.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
FF9- Necron??!! Who's he? Tranced Steiner and Zidane made this the
shortest boss battle ever...
Never bothered to finish the game. Got a couple of days into a rental and just
stopped playing. However, I will assume that I would've kicked around
any potential boss that I might've come across with minimal effort. :p
Never played that game.
Post by Nick Jones
Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Blegh. That whole game was hard. I got midway into the deep dungeon and
just said, screw this.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
Ruby, Omega, Ozma and Penance...
I've only killed Ruby and Omega...
Square should just bite the bullet and make the final bosses from their games
as hard as the critters they currently use as optional bosses. The
last boss should be the most difficult challenge, not some random
creature off in an optional dungeon with little to no story behind it.
Optional bosses are for people like you. For the rest of us who want the
character development and storyline, we have our normal bosses.
Post by Nick Jones
"I'm the most powerful being on the planet, so I think I'll just sit
here in a cave and wait for some adventurers to come and kill me for
the bragging rights."
Your God?
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-05 04:47:06 UTC
If I don't respond to this artist post, the terrorists win.
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy,
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being
stupidly easy...
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now,
like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
I, for one, like it that way; makes the battles easy and focus
on character development. I don't buy games for the battle
system, I buy them for the story. Poor story? Forget it. Dragon
Half had one of the best stories I've seen, but the battle
system was ridiculously contrived. If you like hard battle
systems, that's the game for you. Helloooo codebreaker.
Well there's a difference between the battle _system_ being hard
and bosses being hard. I _expect_ boss fights to be long and
hard, with the boss in question being multi-parted and able to
dish out and take ridiculous amounts of damage (Helloooo, Lavos!).
But when I slog through tons and tons of random battles and sub-
bosses, it's disappointing when I can beat a boss in under four
minutes by using four moves (Ultima {Celes} , Bum Rush {Sabin},
Life 3 {Strago} , and standard attack {Terra})...

Take FF 5, which had the same basic battle system as FF 6 and was
even more customizable. Even with Butz using 2-Handed X-Flare
Sword, and Cara using 2-Handed Jump, and with two Black and Blue
mage masters, (with all the summons as well), it STILL me took
four tries to beat Neo-Exdeath.

And I liked it that way.
(FYI, I havent played any of the FFs above 6 yet. I'm currently
working my way through the SNES RPGs. {Seiken Densetsu 3

My name is:
____ _
/ ___| | | http://www.geocities.com/
| |__ _ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ __ | | mysterysciencefreezer
| __|| '__/ _ \/ _ \/_ // _ \| '__|| | (My MSTings)
| | | | __/ __/ / /| __/| | |_| http://dccmm.com
|_| |_| \___|\___||___|\___||_| (_) (Rasslin' type subjects)

And my anti-drug is porn.
Nick Jones
2004-01-05 06:20:51 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed to
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being stupidly
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now, like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
I, for one, like it that way; makes the battles easy and focus on
character development. I don't buy games for the battle system, I buy
them for the story. Poor story? Forget it.
I don't think there needs to be a trade-off there. You can have games that are
a challenge and have an engrossing story (FFT, Fire Emblem, Star Ocean 2). For
me to like a game it needs a good story, engaging characters, good gameplay,
and a decent level of difficulty. There are a lot of games that have fallen
flat with me for lacking just one of those aspects. I can't enjoy a game with a
lousy battle system and a great story any more than I could enjoy a game with a
godlike battle system and an afwul story.
Post by artist
Dragon Half had one of the best stories I've seen, but the
battle system was ridiculously contrived. If you like hard
battle systems, that's the game for you.
It's not a matter of the battle system being hard to use; an overly complex
battle system will make any game frustrating. The kind of challenge I (and I'm
assuming other people who want a certain level of difficulty in their games)
look for is one where you can't just wade through the game without paying
attention, you actually need to think strategically and adapt your tactics
according to the situation at hand. It's no fun when every battle consists of
having each character use the same attack/spell over and over, without the risk
of your ever losing the game because the opposition is so weak. If you can just
phone in your battles, when the game is over what have you really accomplished?
If the only thing you want is a story, why bother with *games* in the first
place, when books or movies can give you the exact same thing without all of
that gameplay getting in the way?
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Blegh. That whole game was hard.
Yeah, just part of what made it so great. Great plot, great characters, battle
system where you actually had to think about what you were doing, and it was a
decent challenge to boot. ^_^
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
"I'm the most powerful being on the planet, so I think I'll just sit
here in a cave and wait for some adventurers to come and kill me for
the bragging rights."
Your God?
Hm? What does that statement have to do with Satoshi Urushihara? O_o

2004-01-05 18:58:43 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being
stupidly easy...
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now, like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
I, for one, like it that way; makes the battles easy and focus on
character development. I don't buy games for the battle system, I buy
them for the story. Poor story? Forget it.
I don't think there needs to be a trade-off there. You can have games that are
a challenge and have an engrossing story (FFT, Fire Emblem, Star Ocean
2). For me to like a game it needs a good story, engaging characters,
good gameplay, and a decent level of difficulty. There are a lot of
games that have fallen flat with me for lacking just one of those
aspects. I can't enjoy a game with a lousy battle system and a great
story any more than I could enjoy a game with a godlike battle system
and an afwul story.
Post by artist
Dragon Half had one of the best stories I've seen, but the
battle system was ridiculously contrived. If you like hard
battle systems, that's the game for you.
It's not a matter of the battle system being hard to use; an overly complex
battle system will make any game frustrating. The kind of challenge I
(and I'm assuming other people who want a certain level of difficulty
in their games) look for is one where you can't just wade through the
game without paying attention, you actually need to think
strategically and adapt your tactics according to the situation at
hand. It's no fun when every battle consists of having each character
use the same attack/spell over and over, without the risk of your ever
losing the game because the opposition is so weak. If you can just
phone in your battles, when the game is over what have you really
accomplished? If the only thing you want is a story, why bother with
*games* in the first place, when books or movies can give you the
exact same thing without all of that gameplay getting in the way?
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Blegh. That whole game was hard.
Yeah, just part of what made it so great. Great plot, great
characters, battle
system where you actually had to think about what you were doing, and
it was a decent challenge to boot. ^_^
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
"I'm the most powerful being on the planet, so I think I'll just sit
here in a cave and wait for some adventurers to come and kill me for
the bragging rights."
Your God?
Noooo, Jesus hid out in a cave and waited for some adventurous romans to
come and kill him. So I just thought...
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
2004-01-05 19:09:49 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, artist managed
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Post by Chocodeath
Anyone noticing a recurring theme with FF final battles being
stupidly easy...
Yes. Methinks it's an official Final Fantasy tradition now, like Moogles and
guys named Cid.
I, for one, like it that way; makes the battles easy and focus on
character development. I don't buy games for the battle system, I buy
them for the story. Poor story? Forget it.
I don't think there needs to be a trade-off there. You can have games that are
a challenge and have an engrossing story (FFT, Fire Emblem, Star Ocean
Of course you can, but very few people *want* that.
Post by Nick Jones
For me to like a game it needs a good story, engaging characters,
good gameplay, and a decent level of difficulty. There are a lot of
games that have fallen flat with me for lacking just one of those
aspects. I can't enjoy a game with a lousy battle system and a great
story any more than I could enjoy a game with a godlike battle system
and an afwul story.
Define decent difficulty?

My coordination is non-existent. Any game that requires any degree of
coordination out of me just, blegh. I can't even do that gunners
challenge in FFX-2. And frankly, any RPG that makes you do TEKKEN type
stuff to advance isn't an RPG any more. I HATE IT when they make the
minigames required to advance the story like they did in 8.
If I want to play those kinds of games, I will pick up TEKKEN or JAK or
some other similar game.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Dragon Half had one of the best stories I've seen, but the
battle system was ridiculously contrived. If you like hard
battle systems, that's the game for you.
It's not a matter of the battle system being hard to use; an overly complex
battle system will make any game frustrating. The kind of challenge I
(and I'm assuming other people who want a certain level of difficulty
in their games) look for is one where you can't just wade through the
game without paying attention, you actually need to think
strategically and adapt your tactics according to the situation at
That's one thing, but when you have to swap out equipment every other
freaking turn, that's another. Or, if you didn't spen 20 hours leveling
in the last area, getting pitiances for money just to buy some godly
expensive item you NEED to progress. Or, if you don't do every little
thing right, you do, that sucks. It's all well and good to have strategy,
but if you can't do something multiple ways, it's not strategy, it's
railroading. And the former is the way that videogames are going.

Three words:
Medel Of Honor.
Post by Nick Jones
It's no fun when every battle consists of having each character
use the same attack/spell over and over, without the risk of your ever
losing the game because the opposition is so weak. If you can just
phone in your battles, when the game is over what have you really
accomplished? If the only thing you want is a story, why bother with
*games* in the first place, when books or movies can give you the
exact same thing without all of that gameplay getting in the way?
Post by artist
Post by Nick Jones
Oh, and you left out FFT. Altima was a total pansy; the fight with Elmdor on
top of Riovanes Castle was miles beyond it in terms of difficulty,
Blegh. That whole game was hard.
Yeah, just part of what made it so great. Great plot, great
characters, battle
system where you actually had to think about what you were doing, and
it was a decent challenge to boot. ^_^
That battle system was WAY to complex. High level spells where useless,
except when the enemies cast them, then they always hit. Did you ever
face off against 8 chocobos mixed red/black? Or maxed teams of dragons
(multicolor)/ninjas? Brrrrrrr. :(

AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Nick Jones
2004-01-06 06:27:54 UTC
Post by artist
Define decent difficulty?
Can't sleepwalk through it, but not hard enough that it makes you want to
throw your controller at the TV in frustration. Of course, that'd probably mean
something different to everybody.
Post by artist
I can't even do that gunners challenge in FFX-2.
No idea what that is, as I'm boycotting the game. :p
Post by artist
My coordination is non-existent. Any game that requires any
degree of coordination out of me just, blegh.
I'm not advocating things that require coordination, just strategic thought.
Post by artist
That's one thing, but when you have to swap out equipment every other
freaking turn, that's another.
It's all well and good to have strategy, but if you can't do something
multiple ways, it's not strategy, it's railroading. And the former is
the way that videogames are going.
Nah, that's not what I'm talking about. Take the battle with Velius in FFT,
there's not just one way to win it. The first couple of times I went in, he
kicked me around something awful. I spent time figuring out what attacks he and
the critters that were with him used, their ranges, that sort of thing. I
started winning by staying spead out enough that no two characters could be
killed by one attack and always bringing along multiple people who could revive
from a distance. The more times I went up against him, the more I improved my
strategy. I began using the water in the room to my advantage by lessening the
damage I took and using a Geomancer's attacks to turn Velius' cronies into
frogs. Eventually, I started using Ramza's Yell and Accumulate skills over and
over during the one-on-one fight with Wiegraf, so that when he transforms into
Velius I start out with five or six turns, and can kill him with one hit (a
tactic which wouldn't work in virtually any other fight).

The real point is that I had to *think* to win that fight. I couldn't just
walk in and bash Velius with my strongest characters. You need to find a real
strategy to fight with, and that's one of the biggest reasons that I *love that
game*, and any game that carries the same philosophy. ^_^
Post by artist
Medel Of Honor.
Three words: Never played it. :p
Post by artist
Did you ever face off against 8 chocobos mixed red/black? Or maxed
teams of dragons (multicolor)/ninjas? Brrrrrrr. :(
Yeah, groups of Red and Black Chocobos were a royal bitch to fight, but Ninjas
and Dragons never gave me any problems. Though I should also mention those
flying Hydra types that spit fire, which are *hideously* powerful when you
fight 'em at the higher levels. >_<

2004-01-06 20:23:32 UTC
Artist, the good little Microsoft drone heard ***@aol.com (Nick
Jones) say...
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Define decent difficulty?
Can't sleepwalk through it, but not hard enough that it makes you want to
throw your controller at the TV in frustration. Of course, that'd
probably mean something different to everybody.
I would agree with that last part, each person has their own preference;
I honestly think they are catering to the lowest common denominator, then
throwing the super hard bosses in for people like you. Keep in mind, it's
just a game, it doesn't *have* to make sense. I try not to make sense of
things when they obviously are not ment to, but I'm a rather serene
individual all around. :)
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
I can't even do that gunners challenge in FFX-2.
No idea what that is, as I'm boycotting the game. :p
I can honestly say that you are missing out then. It's good enough that I
started playing it over the weekend to get a feel for it, and when I got
the game book last night, I started all over again with the intention of
getting everything. The battle system is challenging, and the mini-games
are hard without being totaly imposible. Everything moves along at a good
clip, but you can take it slow if you want. There is actually a good bit
of strategic thought that goes into how you use dresspheres and when.
Different garment grids have 'bonuses' if you travel around them in
certain ways.

Moreover, they didn't butcher Yuna's personality. She is still soft
spoken and iron willed. I've seen a subtle shift in her attitudes so far,
but it's in line with the story and the things she is experiencing. :)
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
My coordination is non-existent. Any game that requires any
degree of coordination out of me just, blegh.
I'm not advocating things that require coordination, just strategic thought.
Blegh, have you played any of the games since FF7? They keep on adding
'required' minigames that are next to impossible to beat. FFX, chocobo
racing in the calm lands
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
That's one thing, but when you have to swap out equipment every other
freaking turn, that's another.
FFX had battles like that (well, every other battle anyways) and some of
the others I have played have had stupid crap like that going on.
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
It's all well and good to have strategy, but if you can't do something
multiple ways, it's not strategy, it's railroading. And the former is
the way that videogames are going.
Nah, that's not what I'm talking about. Take the battle with Velius in FFT,
there's not just one way to win it. The first couple of times I went
in, he kicked me around something awful. I spent time figuring out
what attacks he and the critters that were with him used, their
ranges, that sort of thing. I started winning by staying spead out
enough that no two characters could be killed by one attack and always
bringing along multiple people who could revive from a distance. The
more times I went up against him, the more I improved my strategy. I
began using the water in the room to my advantage by lessening the
damage I took and using a Geomancer's attacks to turn Velius' cronies
into frogs. Eventually, I started using Ramza's Yell and Accumulate
skills over and over during the one-on-one fight with Wiegraf, so that
when he transforms into Velius I start out with five or six turns, and
can kill him with one hit (a tactic which wouldn't work in virtually
any other fight).
Hrm. I forgot how I kiled Velius. Knights with double sword I think.
Post by Nick Jones
The real point is that I had to *think* to win that fight. I couldn't just
walk in and bash Velius with my strongest characters. You need to find
a real strategy to fight with, and that's one of the biggest reasons
that I *love that game*, and any game that carries the same
philosophy. ^_^
You would like my friend, blueboy. His aim is BlueBoyExtreme. Tell him
Joe refered you. :) He loves strategy, especially with Starcraft. He does
cost/benefit anlysis' of the units *compared to one another*. /In his
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Medel Of Honor.
Three words: Never played it. :p
Post by Nick Jones
Post by artist
Did you ever face off against 8 chocobos mixed red/black? Or maxed
teams of dragons (multicolor)/ninjas? Brrrrrrr. :(
Yeah, groups of Red and Black Chocobos were a royal bitch to fight, but Ninjas
and Dragons never gave me any problems. Though I should also mention
those flying Hydra types that spit fire, which are *hideously*
powerful when you fight 'em at the higher levels. >_<
The dragons especially kicked my ass, then the ninja's finished me off.
I hated the basalisks that where flying around when you where trying to
get that dragon girl, Rei? Dunno, it's been too long.
AIM: GCCFurryBoy

"Neither hope nor fear" - Isabella d'Este
"For to do either is to fall to the beast" - Joseph Richmond
"The Cow Kings a Bastard! Long live the Cow King!" - Joseph Richmond
Asura Calibre
2004-01-06 22:38:54 UTC
Post by artist
Jones) say...
The dragons especially kicked my ass, then the ninja's finished me off.
I hated the basalisks that where flying around when you where trying to
get that dragon girl, Rei? Dunno, it's been too long.
Reis (good guess at least.) And yeah, those things were annoying.
Personally, though, it doesn't get any more annoying than the final battle
with Elmdor, Celia, & Lede...the Masamune draw-out's annoying enough, but
uhh...those assassin bitches just drove me to the point where I had to buy a
2nd copy of FFT (the first one currently resting all over eastern Iowa as
shrapnel. Short fuse on my part.)

Personal note on Reis: I don't care what people say against her...you can't
really argue with someone whose innate class can turn one of those Hydras
that kick your ass later on to your side. Not to mention the built in Breath
weapons and Two Swords...or in a Dragoner's case, Two Hands...and those
fists can -hurt-. All she needs at that point is Equip Armor and she's a
pretty solid character.

Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at
http://xaq10r.deviantart.com (non-hentai)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asuracalibre/ (hentai)
Nick Jones
2004-01-07 08:24:42 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Asura Calibre managed
Post by Asura Calibre
Personally, though, it doesn't get any more annoying than the final battle
with Elmdor, Celia, & Lede...the Masamune draw-out's annoying enough, but
uhh...those assassin bitches just drove me to the point where I had to buy a
2nd copy of FFT (the first one currently resting all over eastern Iowa as
shrapnel. Short fuse on my part.)
The *final* battle with Celia/Lede/Sephiro... err... Elmdor? The one in
Limberry? I never had a problem with that fight, since Orlandu can usually take
out one of the girls on his first turn. I'm actually rather fond of that
battle, since I always net a full set of Genji equipment. ^_^

Now the *first* fight against C/L/E, that's a bitch. I'm convinced that Rafa
is suicidal. >_<
Post by Asura Calibre
Personal note on Reis: I don't care what people say against her...you can't
really argue with someone whose innate class can turn one of those Hydras
that kick your ass later on to your side. Not to mention the built in Breath
weapons and Two Swords...or in a Dragoner's case, Two Hands...and those
fists can -hurt-. All she needs at that point is Equip Armor and she's a
pretty solid character.
Yeah, and even more importantly, she's a *fox*. ^_^

Which reminds me of a lemon I should be working on right now...
Asura Calibre
2004-01-07 11:44:32 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Yeah, and even more importantly, she's a *fox*. ^_^
Whoa...and here I thought I was alone in the group.

Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at
http://xaq10r.deviantart.com (non-hentai)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asuracalibre/ (hentai)
2004-01-07 23:22:29 UTC
Asura Calibre wrote:
| "Nick Jones" <***@aol.com> wrote in message
| news:***@mb-m04.aol.com...
|> Yeah, and even more importantly, she's a *fox*. ^_^
| Whoa...and here I thought I was alone in the group.

So wheres a good image or 3 for those of us who have never even seen the
game turned on? :P

~ -Araemo
Asura Calibre
2004-01-07 23:50:49 UTC
Post by Araemo
So wheres a good image or 3 for those of us who have never even seen the
game turned on? :P
Trying to take advantage of my knack for finding stuff online, are you? Well
I've got 3 words for you, mister...

I'm on it! *zips off to find some pics*

Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at
http://xaq10r.deviantart.com (non-hentai)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asuracalibre/ (hentai)
2004-01-08 04:16:05 UTC
Asura Calibre wrote:
| "Araemo" <***@rehtoro-s> wrote in message
| news:Vw0Lb.68460$***@fe3.columbus.rr.com...
|>So wheres a good image or 3 for those of us who have never even seen the
|>game turned on? :P
| Trying to take advantage of my knack for finding stuff online, are
you? Well
| I've got 3 words for you, mister...
| I'm on it! *zips off to find some pics*

Danke. Only pics I found in my short look were.. well, not the highest
quality, but I think I have an idea what her human form looks like.. but
I'm also curious about dragon(-ish?) form, and I'm a bit of a dragon
fanboy anyways.

~ -Araemo
Asura Calibre
2004-01-08 05:15:47 UTC
Post by Araemo
Danke. Only pics I found in my short look were.. well, not the highest
quality, but I think I have an idea what her human form looks like
Well, you're finding more than I am at the moment, anyway...and it wouldn't
surprise me if one of those lower-quality ones was the one of her and a Blue
Dragon I did once..
Post by Araemo
I'm also curious about dragon(-ish?) form, and I'm a bit of a dragon
fanboy anyways.
Take an FFT dragon, color it purple w/ silver underscales, et viola.

Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at
http://xaq10r.deviantart.com (non-hentai)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/asuracalibre/ (hentai)
2004-01-08 15:30:33 UTC
Asura Calibre wrote:
| "Araemo" <***@rehtoro-s> wrote in message
| news:9Q4Lb.12733$***@fe2.columbus.rr.com...
|>Danke. Only pics I found in my short look were.. well, not the highest
|>quality, but I think I have an idea what her human form looks like
| Well, you're finding more than I am at the moment, anyway...and it
| surprise me if one of those lower-quality ones was the one of her and
a Blue
| Dragon I did once..
|>I'm also curious about dragon(-ish?) form, and I'm a bit of a dragon
|>fanboy anyways.
| Take an FFT dragon, color it purple w/ silver underscales, et viola.

So what does an FFT Dragon look like? :P

I'm wondering, does Reis have any other names? Translation differences?
~ I can't even find a single picture on RPGamer for her.

~ -Araemo
Nick Jones
2004-01-08 05:03:56 UTC
Whilst being molested by a Shadowlaw-brainwashed Cammy, Asura Calibre managed
Post by Asura Calibre
Post by Nick Jones
Yeah, and even more importantly, she's a *fox*. ^_^
Whoa...and here I thought I was alone in the group.
Nah, I love most of the girls from FFT, though Meliadoul especially. I
*really* want to see what's under that habit...

Who's betting on lingerie. *_*