Jesus FUCK.
(too old to reply)
2004-08-13 08:30:49 UTC
... This newsgroup has degenerated.


Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
2004-08-13 23:47:24 UTC
.... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
Damn thats an old name.

Welcome back?

Arturus Magi
2004-08-14 21:34:12 UTC
From: ***@aol.com (PeanutM4Ms)
Newsgroups: alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai
Date: 13 Aug 2004 08:30:49 GMT

Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
And yes, it has. Kinda depressing. :\
Arturus Magi
LTC Commanding
AIM: ArturusMag, NHogue
ICQ: 19106776

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who PRESS ENTER Here
2004-08-22 04:28:59 UTC
Post by Arturus Magi
Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
And yes, it has. Kinda depressing. :\
It's all because nick jones Nick Jones NICK JONES hasn't posted the FAQ
this month, obviously.

2004-08-28 09:46:07 UTC
Post by Saber
Post by Arturus Magi
Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
And yes, it has. Kinda depressing. :\
It's all because nick jones Nick Jones NICK JONES hasn't posted the FAQ
this month, obviously.
And won't be doing so for quite a while...

This place is DEAD, RIP #AGFFH, you've had a good run...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
2004-08-30 00:19:30 UTC
Post by Chocodeath
Post by Saber
Post by Arturus Magi
Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
And yes, it has. Kinda depressing. :\
It's all because nick jones Nick Jones NICK JONES hasn't posted
the FAQ this month, obviously.
And won't be doing so for quite a while...
This place is DEAD, RIP #AGFFH, you've had a good run...
Blegh, we need to revive it somehow. Who's up for petitioning the
Republican National Party for some money? I'm sure they have a few
million just lying about on some dusty old table in one of their
mansions somwhere that they wouldn't mind donating to us. We could
launch a massive PR campaign around Tifa's massive breasts. It would
be called the "Come to AGFFH and see Tifa's massive boobies"
AIM: GCCFurryBoy
Robyn, Duke of Amber
2004-08-31 19:46:42 UTC
Post by artist
Blegh, we need to revive it somehow. Who's up for petitioning the
Republican National Party for some money? I'm sure they have a few
million just lying about on some dusty old table in one of their
mansions somwhere that they wouldn't mind donating to us. We could
launch a massive PR campaign around Tifa's massive breasts. It would
be called the "Come to AGFFH and see Tifa's massive boobies"
I finally finished 7 last night..... I actually delayed for a couple
of months as I was pissed off that the only real comments I got from
friends while playing were "Kights of the Round! Knights of the
round!" and "Chokobos! Chokobos! Chokobos!"
Then I got my ass kicked from here to next week by weapons.

This is what I find I really dislike about Final Fantasy games....you
end up spending the last bit just leveling and leveling (although for
some reson 9 didnt feel that way) AND it seemed in 7 you had to this
(which of course allowed you to get the All materias as well) or you
bred Chokobos and then got KothR then kicked ass.
Well, this was the point where I read the faq.
I didn't need ot do it and so I didn't. Sepheroth kicked my ass
twice (plus the time where I fought the first one for 3/4 of an hour
then gave up as I was tired (it was 5 in the morning)

Anyway, on to Tifa's boobies...

Did you notice in the last bit where she is falling off the clif when
she gets up again she simply leans on the side of the cliffs and lets
the massive overhang of her womdigious mamary glands support her?

Heck, they formed a jutting prominence bigger than the cliff anyway.
I've never seen anyone hoist themselves up by their breats till then.

As for AC you can see 'em (briefly) in the character snippets....
Either she's got a reduction, grown monsterously tall so they look
normal, or is wearing one hell of a support bra.

2004-08-31 20:12:50 UTC
Post by Robyn, Duke of Amber
Post by artist
Blegh, we need to revive it somehow. Who's up for petitioning the
Republican National Party for some money? I'm sure they have a few
million just lying about on some dusty old table in one of their
mansions somwhere that they wouldn't mind donating to us. We could
launch a massive PR campaign around Tifa's massive breasts. It
would be called the "Come to AGFFH and see Tifa's massive boobies"
I finally finished 7 last night..... I actually delayed for a
couple of months as I was pissed off that the only real comments I
got from friends while playing were "Kights of the Round! Knights
of the round!" and "Chokobos! Chokobos! Chokobos!"
Then I got my ass kicked from here to next week by weapons.
This is what I find I really dislike about Final Fantasy
end up spending the last bit just leveling and leveling (although
for some reson 9 didnt feel that way) AND it seemed in 7 you had
to this (which of course allowed you to get the All materias as
well) or you bred Chokobos and then got KothR then kicked ass.
Well, this was the point where I read the faq.
I didn't need ot do it and so I didn't. Sepheroth kicked my ass
twice (plus the time where I fought the first one for 3/4 of an
hour then gave up as I was tired (it was 5 in the morning)
You suck. ;p
I made it my first time through at level 34 with nothing more than
Clouds Apocolypse and some basic and mid-level materia. Needless to
say, I later went back and started fresh with the strategy guide in
hand. :P Course, I rushed through...
Post by Robyn, Duke of Amber
Anyway, on to Tifa's boobies...
Did you notice in the last bit where she is falling off the clif
when she gets up again she simply leans on the side of the cliffs
and lets the massive overhang of her womdigious mamary glands
support her?
Heck, they formed a jutting prominence bigger than the cliff
I've never seen anyone hoist themselves up by their breats till then.
As for AC you can see 'em (briefly) in the character snippets....
Either she's got a reduction, grown monsterously tall so they look
normal, or is wearing one hell of a support bra.
It's _fanservice_ :P
AIM: GCCFurryBoy
Robyn, Duke of Amber
2004-08-31 22:32:30 UTC
Post by artist
Post by Robyn, Duke of Amber
Anyway, on to Tifa's boobies...
Did you notice in the last bit where she is falling off the clif
when she gets up again she simply leans on the side of the cliffs
and lets the massive overhang of her womdigious mamary glands
support her?
Heck, they formed a jutting prominence bigger than the cliff
I've never seen anyone hoist themselves up by their breats till then.
As for AC you can see 'em (briefly) in the character snippets....
Either she's got a reduction, grown monsterously tall so they look
normal, or is wearing one hell of a support bra.
It's _fanservice_ :P
That's what I'm saying...
they seem to have gotten smaller....
That's not fan-service...that's an appetizer in a way that 7 was a
full course meal (not for the lactose-intolerant of course)


Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomniac - Narcoleptic
2004-08-15 15:41:06 UTC
In a daze, I read PeanutM4Ms's post, then collasped.
Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
Charlie Sheen: I'm gonna carve this turkey, WITH MY MANHOOD!
Loading Image...
T Iceduck: For the record
T Iceduck: I think that post is mean
2004-08-15 21:10:12 UTC
Post by Pahsons - Somnolent - Insomniac - Narcoleptic
In a daze, I read PeanutM4Ms's post, then collasped.
Post by PeanutM4Ms
... This newsgroup has degenerated.
Slashing my wrists now. ;_;
I don't get what's happened here in the past year but nobody talks about
anything anymore...
And people have stopped trying:
"Tifa breast are great"
"No, Lulu's are better..."

Come on people, stop getting on with your lives...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
2004-08-25 13:22:38 UTC
I will slash your wrists first, though. ;_;
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