Asura Calibre
2004-02-11 02:20:41 UTC
*shrugs* I figured maybe a new sketch would liven things up around
here...anyway, if you wanna look at it, sorry, I can't provide a direct
link, but I can tell ya how to get to it:
1) Head to my Yahoo Group (link at very bottom of sig)
2) Go to Files, then to the Lobby section
3) Click on "TheShenorTwins.jpg" to see one of my few quasi-successful
attempts at frontal portraits.
Anyway, as for the latter part of the subject line...if anyone's gonna be at
KatsuCon this weekend, I'm gonna try to sneak in on Saturday and Sunday.
Just look for a guy in the world's cheapest cheap-yet-accurate Squall
cosplay outfit wearing blue tinted glasses and carrying no gunblade.
Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at (non-hentai) (hentai)
here...anyway, if you wanna look at it, sorry, I can't provide a direct
link, but I can tell ya how to get to it:
1) Head to my Yahoo Group (link at very bottom of sig)
2) Go to Files, then to the Lobby section
3) Click on "TheShenorTwins.jpg" to see one of my few quasi-successful
attempts at frontal portraits.
Anyway, as for the latter part of the subject line...if anyone's gonna be at
KatsuCon this weekend, I'm gonna try to sneak in on Saturday and Sunday.
Just look for a guy in the world's cheapest cheap-yet-accurate Squall
cosplay outfit wearing blue tinted glasses and carrying no gunblade.
Asura Calibre
Contact her at
(Just get the fuck out first.)
Or stop by her art galleries at (non-hentai) (hentai)