2004-05-19 17:48:43 UTC
...What kind of shaver and shaving cream do you like?
I prefer Mach 3 razors myself; I've tried nearly every type of razor,
electric and otherwise that is known and I like the Mach 3 best. Of
course, the blades are ridiculously expensive.
Aaaand, shaving gell. A little bit goes a loooong way. :)
I prefer Mach 3 razors myself; I've tried nearly every type of razor,
electric and otherwise that is known and I like the Mach 3 best. Of
course, the blades are ridiculously expensive.
Aaaand, shaving gell. A little bit goes a loooong way. :)
AIM: GCCFurryBoy
AIM: GCCFurryBoy