FFT nuts, I need help!
(too old to reply)
2004-01-29 04:40:55 UTC
ID'ing characters of course. I finally figured out how to translate
skills to the GURPS system, and now I'm dead serious about making sort
of a 'worldbook' for Ivalice so I can run a true to gawd FF tabletop rpg
game. I've been trying to do it off and on for a few years now, but
always been hampered with trying to find a system that works.

I did find a crapload of historical info that I've reformatted and
rewritten a bit, and lotsa art. Am v. happy. Go me! ;)

But. . . one problem I got is getting all the npc names right. I got a
page with a chunk of the minor characters that I need names or
confimation of names(since I currently am really not in the mood to sit
in front of the tv and run back and forth btween 2 rooms to fix this).

Here's the pic:
Loading Image...

Thankies, CZ
Nick Jones
2004-01-29 05:16:09 UTC
Whilst being molested by one of the female zombies from Resident Evil,
I got a page with a chunk of the minor characters that I need
names or confimation of names(since I currently am really not
in the mood to sit in front of the tv and run back and forth
btween 2 rooms to fix this).
Here, let me once again prove what a FFT geek I am:

1 - Ajora is the one on the left, Altima is the one on the right.
3 - Balmafula
6 - Izlude
7 - Wiegraf
11 - Vormav
12 - Zalmo
13 - Barinten
15 - Draclau
16 - Rofel
17 - Kletian
18 - Balk
20 - Rudvich
21 - Uh... Don't remember the guy. O_o

Now ask me something about Suikoden. :p
2004-01-29 05:32:07 UTC
Post by Nick Jones
Whilst being molested by one of the female zombies from Resident Evil,
I got a page with a chunk of the minor characters that I need
names or confimation of names(since I currently am really not
in the mood to sit in front of the tv and run back and forth
btween 2 rooms to fix this).
1 - Ajora is the one on the left, Altima is the one on the right.
3 - Balmafula
6 - Izlude
7 - Wiegraf
11 - Vormav
12 - Zalmo
13 - Barinten
15 - Draclau
16 - Rofel
17 - Kletian
18 - Balk
20 - Rudvich
21 - Uh... Don't remember the guy. O_o
Now ask me something about Suikoden. :p
Heh. I KNEW you'd help. I thought I put Balmafula's name in, but. .
.guess not. But the one pic I want that's missing is of Marq. Elmdor.
I's pissed about that. *pout*

CZ, I klnow nothing of Suikoden because I haven't ever given much of a
rat's ass. *shrug*
2004-01-29 05:37:09 UTC
Mind you the next one is gonna be the Lucavi demons I don't know. ;P

Kjorteo Kalante
2004-01-29 08:43:57 UTC
On the day in question (29 Jan 2004 05:16:09 GMT,) the suspect,
***@aol.com (Nick Jones), was allegedly seen in
alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai when the following was said:

: 21 - Uh... Don't remember the guy. O_o

That's not Minister Gelwan, is it?
All for now,
o--´(>`, \
\___, `. \
`--, : |
(Kjorteo Kalante--the husky has spoken!)
2004-01-29 05:43:32 UTC
How about him:

Loading Image...
Kjorteo Kalante
2004-01-29 08:44:13 UTC
On the day in question (Thu, 29 Jan 2004 05:43:32 GMT,) the suspect,
ChocoZell <***@nowhere.com>, was allegedly seen in
alt.games.final-fantasy.hentai when the following was said:

: How about him:
: http://www.supergoth.com/Chocozell/who.jpg

All for now,
o--´(>`, \
\___, `. \
`--, : |
(Kjorteo Kalante--the husky has spoken!)
2004-01-29 06:51:49 UTC
Never mind, I actually found the icon name list at www.fftactics.net
down the page a bit. *headpalm*

CZ, gamer freak
2004-01-29 14:02:04 UTC
ChocoZell <***@nowhere.com> said:
Post by ChocoZell
Thankies, CZ
Thanks for the [bad] memories...

[Where did I put that PSX..?]

I couldn't name any of them...

Are you considering doing a FFTA crossover?

And DON'T ask me anything about Suikoden...
It is a fact:Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
---------------------------POST VIA--------------------------------
news://nntp.xusenet.com http://www.xusenet.com
2004-01-29 21:40:01 UTC
Post by Chocodeath
Post by ChocoZell
Thankies, CZ
Thanks for the [bad] memories...
Eh? Was it that mean to you?
Post by Chocodeath
[Where did I put that PSX..?]
*snort* I had to pull mine back out, but I had accidentaly deleted my
save game. I *was* planning on going back and going through the Deep
Dungeon, but I guess I really just wanted to start over. -_-;;
Post by Chocodeath
I couldn't name any of them...
Are you considering doing a FFTA crossover?
I was considering, but I need to figure where FFTA Ivalice would fit
into FFT Ivalice. I'm thinking FFT Ivalice is mostly the human's nation,
and the other race's nations are outside of that, and maybe it's
actually the Ivalice from Azlazam's time, which is something like
several hundred years after the Lion War.
Post by Chocodeath
And DON'T ask me anything about Suikoden...
Heh. No worries.


. . .Quick, what's the silver haired chick's name from #3???

. . .;P Just had to.
2004-02-02 10:38:27 UTC
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
Thanks for the [bad] memories...
Eh? Was it that mean to you?
It ate my food and raped my women...
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
[Where did I put that PSX..?]
*snort* I had to pull mine back out, but I had accidentaly deleted my
save game. I *was* planning on going back and going through the Deep
Dungeon, but I guess I really just wanted to start over. -_-;;
D-Dd-deep Du-Dun-Dungeon you say....
Now I rember why I hid the PSX in the first place...
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
I couldn't name any of them...
Are you considering doing a FFTA crossover?
I was considering, but I need to figure where FFTA Ivalice would fit
into FFT Ivalice. I'm thinking FFT Ivalice is mostly the human's nation,
and the other race's nations are outside of that, and maybe it's
actually the Ivalice from Azlazam's time, which is something like
several hundred years after the Lion War.
I thought it takes place after the Lions War in the-not-too-distance future...
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
And DON'T ask me anything about Suikoden...
Heh. No worries.
.. . .Quick, what's the silver haired chick's name from #3???
Post by ChocoZell
.. . .;P Just had to.
You is evil.
It is a fact:Tophats are using our children as mirrors...
---------------------------POST VIA--------------------------------
news://nntp.xusenet.com http://www.xusenet.com
Nick Jones
2004-02-02 12:18:42 UTC
Whilst being molested by one of the female zombies from Resident Evil,
Post by Chocodeath
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
[Where did I put that PSX..?]
*snort* I had to pull mine back out, but I had accidentaly deleted my
save game. I *was* planning on going back and going through the Deep
Dungeon, but I guess I really just wanted to start over. -_-;;
D-Dd-deep Du-Dun-Dungeon you say....
Now I rember why I hid the PSX in the first place...
Feh, I don't see why everybody complains about the Deep Dungeon. It's not that
hard, aside from the occasional encounter with a group of 10 critters with
special abilities that can each take out three of your people at a time and are
ten levels higher than you are. But hey, by that point in the game you've got
Orlandu, so it balances out. :p
Post by Chocodeath
Post by ChocoZell
Post by Chocodeath
And DON'T ask me anything about Suikoden...
Heh. No worries.
.. . .Quick, what's the silver haired chick's name from #3???
::twitch:: Her name is Chris, and she is so far past Kuja's league it's not
even funny. She's one of the greatest RPG characters I've ever come across.
Very complex, likable, and strong all around; always a welcome break from the
kid they *wanted* you to treat as the 'real' main character (little bastard).


...and she's really, *really* hot, especially out of her armor. :p

Stop it or I'll bury you alive in a box!

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