Return And Request
(too old to reply)
2004-09-28 09:13:31 UTC
Hi everyone, I return again from howling wastelands and being hit by a car.

My request is: I have heard from CZ that there was, a long time ago, a hot
Aerith/Scarlet herm-related fanfic floating around, probably by Nick

If anyone has it, can it be posted or linked? ;_;

Nick Jones
2004-09-28 21:06:21 UTC
Whilst being molested by some random thing which I don't have the energy to
Post by Rev_Gohan
Hi everyone, I return again from howling wastelands and being hit by a car.
Hit by a car? Damn... 'Sorry to hear that' seems somewhat inadequate, but...
y'know... Sorry to hear that. Hope you're healing/your luck has improved.
Post by Rev_Gohan
My request is: I have heard from CZ that there was, a long time ago, a hot
Aerith/Scarlet herm-related fanfic floating around, probably by Nick

Yeah... Never going to get past that one. Anything I ever write will always be
dwarfed by the 'Scarlet with a dick' thing... -_-;;
Post by Rev_Gohan
If anyone has it, can it be posted or linked? ;_;

Fortified with Vitamins A & D

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