Post by artistPost by ChocodeathPost by artistAny opinions? From what I've seen, I'm really enojoying it.
Not watched it yet: Too long,i believe it's DB-sized...
Gonna start on the manga soon, once i can get through Ironfist
Chinmi that is...
I'm reading the manga simultaneoulsy... The tv series is quite good;
it may be DB-sized but it doesn't drag things out (save for *real*
Oooo, that used to bug me about DBZ:
'And no I shall DEFEAT you Freeza, with my special attack'
'Heh, I doubt you can defeat me with your special sttack'
'But I have trained for many years to become the strongest Saijin around'
'No Saijin can defeat me'
'I shall use my Kamihamiha to defeat you'
'Heh, I doubt you can defeat me with your Kamihamiha'
'But I have trained for many years for this technique'
'No techinque can defeat me'
In the next episode we see the awesome Goku build up power to unleash his
Kamihamiha upon the Mighty Freeza, tune into the next 6 episode to see
whether he will ever release it...
It is a fact: Tophats are using our children as mirrors...