John C. Watson
2004-04-02 06:16:30 UTC
Greetings and felicitations. I am the new keeper of the rec.arts.manga FAQ
The Usenet Manga Glossary, and I am in the process of updating it. I have a
question about one of the sentences in it, and since this is the only hentai
gaming newsgroup I frequent, I thought I'd ask it here.
The UMGlossary's lolicon entry states:
lolicon/rorikon $BB%m%j%3%s^(J
Contraction of "Lolita complex". A Lolita complex (named after the
character in Nabokov's novel) is an unhealthy desire for very young girls;
the Japanese word is more slang and less clinical, but means more or less
the same thing. The sub-genre of H-manga featuring young-looking girls is
known as "loli-manga". In the world of H-manga, the words "Lolita" and
"bishoujo" $BBH~>/=w^(J ("pretty girl") are often used interchangeably.
Compare to "shoutacon".
I am trying to verify the next to last sentence which conflates Lolita and
bishoujo. Can anyone certify to this?
The Usenet Manga Glossary, and I am in the process of updating it. I have a
question about one of the sentences in it, and since this is the only hentai
gaming newsgroup I frequent, I thought I'd ask it here.
The UMGlossary's lolicon entry states:
lolicon/rorikon $BB%m%j%3%s^(J
Contraction of "Lolita complex". A Lolita complex (named after the
character in Nabokov's novel) is an unhealthy desire for very young girls;
the Japanese word is more slang and less clinical, but means more or less
the same thing. The sub-genre of H-manga featuring young-looking girls is
known as "loli-manga". In the world of H-manga, the words "Lolita" and
"bishoujo" $BBH~>/=w^(J ("pretty girl") are often used interchangeably.
Compare to "shoutacon".
I am trying to verify the next to last sentence which conflates Lolita and
bishoujo. Can anyone certify to this?
John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division
John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division