Post by HLBlueShiftLike... where is everyone?
Or is it ironic that now this lurker has deicded to pop out, everyone else has
run away??
Nobody finds something good and free in that stinking sea of paysites :-/
There are way to much people trying to make money with something that
was thought to be free.
Had typed hentai in a search engine way back in 1996 and you wouldnt
cross across a paysite. AVS, yes... but for that you had your passwordsites.
Try it today and you will be getting flooded with paysites, some of them
not even remotely hentai...
[***@world] # cd ~/compile/world/internet
[***@world] # make clean
[***@world] # ./configure
(stuff nobody ever understands ;) )
[***@world] # make --nocommercial=ENFORCE
(more stuff nobody ever understands ;) )
[***@world] # make install
"Fedich Meista!" - Werner
So Long, The Werelion!
Wir sind kein Mensch und keine Katze.
Wir sind wer wir sind.
Wir sind die Kinder des Zwielichtes.
Wir sind Bastet.