Post by Nick JonesWhilst being molested by some random thing which I don't have the
I'm no fan of the Turks. They where an intresting foil, but
nothing more...
I found the Turks to be the most interesting characters in the game. At the
very least they made for better villains than Sephiroth because
they had actual personalities, whereas Seph was your run of the
mill silver-haired nutjob trying to become a god (which was really
interesting the first time around, when it was *Ghaleon*).
Ghaleon wasn't a nutjob, more of a meglomanic. Ghaleon honestly
believed the world needed a strong, centralized leader to bring peace
and happiness (and he was it). Sephiroth just wanted to kill stuff.
As for the turks, they really didn't have much character development
as far as I was concerned. Matter of fact, they where rather
stereotypical and one-dimensional if you ask me. Tseng was the only
one with a 'past' and each of the others simply embodied specific
AIM: GCCFurryBoy