Whilst being mol...aw, screw it. -_-;;
Post by artistPost by artistPost by artistThen drink vanilla rum and sweet tea. Lots of them. You will want to post.
Post damn yoooooooou!
Nobody checking the group?
Dude. Chill.
Somebody told me the other day that newsgroups were dead as a medium
of communication; I assume that they meant in favor of private message
boards and that sort of thing. I have to disagree with the basic
premise, as there are countless groups which are currently thriving,
alive and vibrant in their numerous threads and conversations between
like-minded people.
Of course, they may have by some twist of fate been speaking about
AGFFH specifically, in which case they would've been entirely correct.
The group... she sleeps with the fishes, methinks.
The party is over. Can we just go home now?